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Buyer's Closing Package
a/k/a FIRPTA Remittance Filing Package

Buyer's Closing Package
a/k/a FIRPTA Remittance Filing Package

This is the MOST critical part of a FIRPTA transaction that has not yet closed. Foreign Sellers who want to make sure that everything is done correctly, with their interests in mind, can do so for reasonable fees and prompt reliable services by a seasoned FIRPTA service provider.


Errors in this stage, which are commonplace, can add months to the refund and ITIN process as well as complicate foreign seller's documentation and paperwork confirmation in the process.


Having a FIRPTA pro representing in the transaction is similar in protection to having a home inspection, it's the "ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" scenario. You'll get that feeling as soon as you are speaking with a seasoned pro.


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