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FIRPTA Services
FIRPTA Services
FIRPTA Services
FREE Consult - Expert Review
FREE Consult - Expert Review
Please click 90 second inquiry form and provide some details about your case. You'll receive a fast response.
​​​Some things usually addressed in the free consult:
Services you need,
Estimates of FIRPTA withholding,
Qualification for exemptions or reduced withholding,
Estimate of your expected FIRPTA IRS tax refund amount,
Whether you need a new or to renew an ITIN or EIN,
IRS year end and interim tax return filing requirements,
Timelines involved in the processes and costs.
Any and all your questions will also be answered.
You can also initiate a free consult by sending us an email with a brief description of your case and questions, or contacting uu by phone or WhatsApp at 786-663-6017.
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